
EWII Doctorate

EWII Doctorate

RPL is learning which has taken place out with a formal teaching setting through work, volunteering or even leisure activities; non-formal learning is the result of completion of a non-credit rated course or training program and can be considered for assessment in line with procedures for RPL. RPL procedures for informal or non-formal learning will vary between universities and even sometimes between programs within the same university. It is important to note that it is your learning, not just your experience that is important so you need to think about what you learned and how that relates to the course or program you want to study. Where universities consider RPL for informal learning you will be given guidance and support throughout the process.

If you decide that RPL for informal and non-formal learning is right for you, EWII will help you with this. There are usually three main stages to preparing an RPL claim and you will be given guidance and support all the way through:

  • You will normally be asked to think about or reflect on your learning experiences.
  • You will then write down what was actually learned. In some cases you will be asked to map your learning against learning outcomes from modules or programs while other procedures may be more flexible.
  • You then need to gather evidence in support of your learning which can be assessed; this usually takes the form of a portfolio, but other approaches can be used.
  • Academic Board then assesses your evidence and decide whether or not to approve your RPL claim.

Once you have identified the areas where you have significant learning, you will need to think about whether or not your learning is at the right level. The EWII level descriptors can really help in determining levels of learning and can make it easier for you to express your learning clearly. They are used by several universities within their guidelines on RPL. There are 12 levels generally going from very basic or low-level skills at the bottom, right up to master’s and doctoral level skills at the top. Usually, undergraduate degree programs start at Level 7 and go up to Level 10 (Honours).

The type of evidence you will be asked to provide in support of your claim for learning varies between courses/programs and universities, but you will most likely need to show that your learning:

  • is at the appropriate academic level
  • is your own work
  • has a balance between learning gained from your practice and academic learning
  • focuses on the subject area or field of service you intend to study
  • has been kept up to date.

RPL claims are assessed by EWII Board following EWII RPL policies and procedures. You will be supervised by a member of EWII Board with expertise in the subject area who will give you guidance and support.

Welcome on board and good luck!