
Founder of European Wellness

Prof Dato Seri Dr Mike Chan

I am delighted that you are joining the European Wellness academic community at the European Wellness Academy’s owned EUROPEAN WELLNESS INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE to start your Prior Learning Recognition journey. The European Wellness group takes great pride in its achievements over the past three decades and is committed to add excellence in the new chapter of its history by giving you the strongest possible foundation to acknowledge and recognize your prior learning experience in the fields of wellness and cellular research. This is what makes the European Wellness experience special, exciting and unique.

Education European Wellness International Institute gives you the edge to involve yourself with a passionate faculty who are at the forefront of research and are distinguished leaders in their respective fields by means of teaching, empowering and learning. This, complemented by a professional industry oriented curriculum and internationally presented academic qualifying method. This will develop you into an innovative breed of professionals ready to take up the national and international challenges. Most of you have the relevant and beyond experience in your field of expertise. You are just one step away from your Prior Learning Recognition.

All the years of your hard work and journey transcended in passionate service is now due for endorsement by European Wellness International Institute. Your stint at EWII will be challenging, inspiring and rewarding because you will be pushing the boundaries of knowledge at one of the best adult learning academy there is, which has been placed in the top priority by my team and I.

I welcome you to EWII and look forward to seeing you on trainings and interactions soon.


Prof Dato Seri Dr Mike Chan

Chief Technical and Research Director in Stem Cell Research and BioMolecular Therapy for European Wellness Centers Group, Stellar BioMolecular Research (SBR), Germany.

Nexgen BioPharma, Switzerland. FCTI Precursor Stem Cells, Europe.

Appointed senator of BWA (Bundesverband fur Wirtschaftsforderung und Auβenwirtschaft)

Global Economic Network, Germany (BWA-51374).

Professor – Cellular Research (Hon), Faculty of Science and Biotechnology, conferred at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Doctorate conferred at Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Sabah, Malaysia.

Masters (Regenerative Medicine)